Wednesday, November 14, 2012


As a Brit, I'm not supposed to "get" Thanksgiving. But I do.
Okay, as a vegetarian Brit, the actual eating tends to be a bit different. But the celebration and the spirit remain.

I get Thanksgiving enough to watch in horror as stores open earlier and earlier for Black Friday. The retailers are relentless in their attempts to link the holiday with purchasing stuff.

And then I had a realization. I actually have a product that is relevant to the holiday. If anyone should be promoting something this month, it's me!

But how can I do that without becoming "them"?

I'm not sure. So here it is anyway:

FREE SHIPPING until the end of November!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

New Website

...the crowds are gathering for the launch of the new and improved Scribbulations website.

I'm imagining picnic blankets; plastic glasses and bottles of champagne; small dogs chasing Frisbees; a droning voice reporting through a public address system news of parking and lost children; blue and white bunting with a large capital "S"; a sunny afternoon full of building excitement and camaraderie.

No, perhaps in the digital world we don't have the equivalent.

Nevertheless, the new website is coming. It has more about our authors, more about the books, more ways to spend money, and more and shinier graphics.

It's a nerve-wracking time. Will it work without errors? Will it be what people want? Did we spell "shopping cart" correctly? Will anyone visit?

Someone pass the Tums...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I will be at Lunacon this coming weekend. Lunacon is a sci-fi convention with an emphasis on books and art. If the technology works I'll upload a video or two...

Thursday, January 26, 2012


There's an aspect of all this communications technology that is shared with old-style writing and publishing. It's the question of "is there anybody out there?"

What if I write a blog entry, or a tweet, and no one reads it?
What if I publish a book and no one buys it?

It's a worry. Of course, there is one guarantee; if you never write it, or publish it, then it's certain no one will read it.

That's why it's a mantra for The Write Group that at least one person out there will read your words and will appreciate them.

So, I'm on Twitter. Search for Scribbulations.