Friday, July 1, 2011

Thanks for the Shout-out!

A big "Thank You!" for the Scribbulations shout-out to Lisa Romeo who writes movingly in her blog Lisa Romeo Writes about Florida Artist: Wm. North, His Life and Art, a collaborative effort between Lisa, Colleen North (co-author), and Scribbulations (design, layout, and publisher).
Not merely an art book containing the beautiful impressionist-style paintings of Colleen's father, William North, Florida Artist tells the story of one man successfully fulfilling his dream.
I know of one other person who fulfilled a dream--a classmate (both grammar and high school) whose dream was to become a Rockette and dance at Radio City Music Hall. She is tall, and I remember our high school dance teacher telling her she could never become a Rockette because of her height.
But Susan ignored our teacher! She went on to become a Rockette and to dance at Radio City and all over. She lived her dream and accomplished even more.
Do you have a dream? It's never too late to start living it!